PD Dr. phil. Robert Riemer

Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Geschichte der Neuzeit


Robert Riemer studied jurisprudence, history, political and communicational sciences in Greifswald. There and in Mainz he wrote his PhD-Thesis „Hamburg and Frankfurt before the Imperial Chamber Court: A Comparison with special respect to Legal Cases in Trade and Industry.” After many years in different positions at Prof. North’s Chair (for example as the Coordinator of the Graduate Programme of the German Research Foundation „Contact Area Mare Balticum” and a researcher in the Project „1806”), he is now the Chair-Assistant and the Erasmus-Coordinator of the Department of History. Key areas of his research are the Imperial Chamber Court, the Old Reich and military history. Last year he finished his habilitation about Caspar Stockalper vom Thurm. In addition he is a teacher for military history at the officer candidate school of the German army in Dresden (as a reservist of the German Federal Defence Force).