Dr. Anna Novikov
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Interdisziplinären Forschungszentrum Ostseeraum (IFZO), Neue Nationalismen
Bahnhofstr. 51
Raum 1.03
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 (0)3834 420-33 34
seit 2019 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Interdisziplinären Forschungszentrum Ostseeraum, Universität Greifswald
2017 GEOP Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the POLIN Museum,Warsaw
Summer term 2016 Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Principles of Cultural Dynamics program at the Dahlem Humanities Center an der FU in Berlin
2015 Research Fellow at the Center for Jewish History, New York, Lapidus 2015 Summer Fellowship Program
2013-2015 Long-Term Postdoctoral Fellow at the German Historical Institute, Warsaw
Promotion: PhD dissertation “Between 'Deutschland' and 'Polska': The Clash of Identities in Interwar Eastern Upper Silesia" The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2013
Anna Novikov received her PhD in History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2013. During her PhD she was a Junior Visiting and Research Fellow at Oxford University and at the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture in Leipzig and has been awarded, among other things, the Rothenstreich Fellowship for Outstanding Doctoral Students (2010-2012), The Cantemir Fellowship in Oxford (2011), the Naomi and Bernard Frieden Award for the Study of European Jewish History (2012) and the Israeli Inter-University Academic Partnership in Russian and East European Studies Fellowship (2013).
Shades of a Nation: The Dynamics of Belonging among the Silesian and Jewish populations in Eastern Upper Silesia (1922-1934), Osnabrück: Fibre Verlag, 2015.
Creating Nationality in Central Europe, 1880-1950. Modernity, Violence and (Be) Longing in Upper Silesia. Co-edited with James Bjork, Tomasz Kamusella, and Timothy Wilson, Routledge 2016.
Black Patriotic Fashion in Central Europe: Warsaw, 1861-1866, in: Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung 71 (2023), S. 165-193.
Examining Fate. “Maurer’s Children”: Debated Identity in the Interwar Border Area. In: Acta Universitatis Carolinae-Studia Territorialia, Prague: Charles University, 2020.
Borderless Dress? The Transnational Role of ‘Black Fashion’ in Warsaw, in: The Special Issue of Journal of East Central European Studies. Jenseits der Teilungsgrenzen: Architektur, Buch, Eisenbahn und Mode im Polen des 19. Jahrhunderts, Marburg: Herder Institute, 2019.
Wearing the Motherland. The Revival of Patriotic/People’s Attire in the Post-Communist World, Zeitgeschichte online, 17 March, 2018, www.zeitgeschichte-online.de/thema/wearing-motherland.
The Visual Language of Neo-Nationalism: Patriotic Fashion in East-Central Europe and Central Asia. In: Trafo-Blog for Transregional Research,Forum Transregionale Studien and Max Weber Stiftung, 2017, http://trafo.hypotheses.org/7082.
Creating a Citizen: Politics and the Education System in the Post-Plebiscite Silesian Voivodeship. In: James Bjork, Tomasz Kamusella, Timothy Wilson, Anna Novikov (eds), Creating Nationality in Central Europe, 1880-1950. Modernity, Violence and (Be) Longing in Upper Silesia, Routledge, 2016.
Central Europe in the Middle East: The Russian Language in Israel. In: Tomasz Kamusella, Motoki Nomachi (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Slavic Languages, Identities and Borders, 2015, 473-49.
Kleider Machen Leute. In: Weltweit vor Ort. Das Magazin der Max Weber Stiftung (2015), S. 40-42.
Leo Baeck and Leon Ader: A Friendship Reflected in Correspondence. In: Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook 2015, Oxford University Press, 107-120.
"Propaganda and Military Mobilization in Patriotic Apparel and Performance in 21 st-Century Russia". Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung " Unter Beschuss: Kunsthistorische Revisionen im Zeichen des Ukrainekrieges" an der HU Berlin am 25.01.2023.
„Tracht und Identität in Ostmitteleuropa“. Vortrag am Sorbischen Museum in Bautzen am 8.06.2022.
"Moving Radical Identities: Patriotic Performance in the Post-Communist Eurasia". Vortrag im Rahmen des Body IQ Festival der Somatischen Akademie Berlin "Bodies of Cultures, Communities & Places" im November 2021 in Berlin.