

Cordelia Heß, Solveig Marie Wang and Erik Wolf

The book investigates the multifaceted entanglements between the many pasts and presents of the Nordic medieval period and colonialism. The edited volume contributes to the untangling of questions concerning how present, recent, and past structures of colonialism affect historiography on the medieval Nordic past. Consisting of thematically diverse chapters, the book brings together a range of approaches related to medieval colonialism in a Nordic context, touching both on medieval and medievalist factors. The editors and contributors understand their project as part of the growing conversation about colonialism and its reverberations in academia, and as a contribution to decolonization efforts. The volume will offer an interdisciplinary approach to oft-neglected aspects of the medieval world through an incorporation of more inclusive methodologies and re-readings of both medieval texts and previous scholarship.

eBook: Veröffentlicht: 16. Dezember 2024
ISBN: 9783111386676

Gebunden: Veröffentlicht: 16. Dezember 2024
ISBN: 9783111386560

Book series: Religious Minorities in the North, 8

Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2024.

Gefördert durch Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und Universitätsbibliothek Greifswald

Cordelia Heß and Gustavs Strenga

This anthology is about the representations and uses of medieval saints, heroes, and heroic events as elements of popular, local, and national culture during the 19th and 20th centuries in the Baltic Sea region: Scandinavia, Finland, Baltic countries, Northern Germany and North-Western Russia. Authors examine the processes of how medieval saints and heroes have been remembered, commemorated, interpreted, used, and reflected during modernity, and by whom. The focus of the anthology is on "doing" memory as a practice that commemorated the past and shaped spaces and identities in the present. It approaches the memory of saints and heroes, for example, Swedish Saints Birgitta and Eric, Danish Saint Knud, Kyivan Princess Olga, Swedish military leader in Finland Tyrgils Knutsson, Liv/Latvian warrior Imanta and Holsatian count Gerhard III as a shared heritage and as part of national, local and popular culture. The anthology contributes to the understanding of the Baltic Sea region through the study of saints, cults and heroic representations in the longue durée between the Middle Ages and modernity. It also adds nuance to the use of popular concepts of memory studies, particularly an update of Pierre Nora’s lieux de mémoire.

Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2024

eBook: Veröffentlicht: 22. April 2024
ISBN: 9783111351193

Gebunden: Veröffentlicht: 22. April 2024
ISBN: 9783111350622


Gustavs Strenga

Medieval memoria - the commemoration of the dead - was both a form of collective memory and a social practice present in every sphere of life. It shaped identities and constituted groups, and thus the study of commemorative practices can tell us a great deal about medieval communities. This study shows the importance of memoria as a form of collective memory for different groups and institutions: city government and guilds, the Teutonic Order, bishops and cathedral chapters, and monastic communities, in late medieval Livonia (present-day Latvia and Estonia).

Book series: Memoria and Remembrance practices, 5

Place: publisher, year: Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2023

ISBN: 978-2-503-59119-3 (Hardback)

ISBN: 978-2-503-59120-9 (E-Book)

Solveig Marie Wang

The interdisciplinary study investigates the relationship between Norse and Saami peoples in the medieval period and focuses on the multifaceted portrayal of Saami peoples in medieval texts. The investigative analysis is anchored in postcolonial methodologies and argues for the inherent need to decolonise the medieval source-material as well as recent historiography. This is achieved by presenting the historiographic and political background of research into Norse-Saami relations, before introducing an overview of textual sources discussing Saami peoples from the classical period to the late 1400s, an analysis of the textual motifs associated with the Saami in medieval literature (their relevance and prevalence), geo-political affairs, trading relations, personal relations and Saami presence in the south. By using decolonising tools to read Norse-Saami relations in medieval texts, influenced by archaeological material and postcolonial frameworks, the study challenges lingering colonial assumptions about the role of the Saami in Norse society. The current research episteme is re-adjusted to offer alternative readings of Saami characters and emphasis is put on agency, fluidity and the dynamic realities of the Saami medieval pasts.

Book series: Religious Minorities in the North, Vol. 5

Place: publisher, year: Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023

ISBN: 9783110784305 (E-Book)

ISBN: 9783110784169 (gebunden)


Cordelia Heß

The significance of religion for the development of modern racist antisemitism is a much debated topic in the study of Jewish-Christian relations. This book, the first study on antisemitism in nineteenth-century Sweden, provides new insights into the debate from the specific case of a country in which religious homogeneity was the considered ideal long into the modern era.
Between 1800 and 1900, approximately 150 books and pamphlets were printed in Sweden on the subject of Judaism and Jews. About one third comprised of translations mostly from German, but to a lesser extent also from French and English. Two thirds were Swedish originals, covering all genres and topics, but with a majority on religious topics: conversion, supersessionism, and accusations of deicide and bloodlust. The latter stem from the vastly popular medieval legends of Ahasverus, Pilate, and Judas which were printed in only slightly adapted forms and accompanied by medieval texts connecting these apocryphal figures to contemporary Jews, ascribing them a physical, essential, and biological coherence and continuity – a specific Jewish temporality shaped in medieval passion piety, which remained functional and intelligible in the modern period.
Relying on medieval models and their combination of religious and racist imagery, nineteenth-century debates were informed by a comprehensive and mostly negative "knowledge" about Jews.

Book series: Religious Minorities in the North, Vol. 3

Place: publisher, year: Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021

ISBN: 9783110757408 (E-Book)

ISBN:9783110673432 (gebunden)


Jonathan Adams and Cordelia Heß

Is research on antisemitism even necessary in countries with a relatively small Jewish population? Absolutely, as this volume shows. Compared to other countries, research on antisemitism in the Nordic countries (Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) is marginalized at an institutional and staffing level, especially as far as antisemitism beyond German fascism, the Second World War, and the Holocaust is concerned. Furthermore, compared to scholarship on other prejudices and minority groups, issues concerning Jews and anti-Jewish stereotypes remain relatively underresearched in Scandinavia – even though antisemitic stereotypes have been present and flourishing in the North ever since the arrival of Christianity, and long before the arrival of the first Jewish communities.
This volume aims to help bring the study of antisemitism to the fore, from the medieval period to the present day. Contributors from all the Nordic countries describe the status of as well as the challenges and desiderata for the study of antisemitism in their respective countries.

Book series: Religious Minorities in the North, Vol. 1

Place: publisher, year: Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019

ISBN: 9783110634822 (E-Book)

ISBN: 9783110631937 (gebunden)


Arne Segelke

Der Erste Weltkrieg stellte nicht nur ein weltweites Ereignis, sondern gleichzeitig auch ein globales Medienereignis von bis dahin ungekannten Ausmaßen dar. Modernisierung, Internationalisierung und Konvergenz der Medien wurden ebenso durch den Krieg befördert wie die Ausbildung einer zielgerichteten Medienpropaganda. Besonders sichtbar wird dies am Beispiel der neutralen Staaten, in denen man zur Information über den Krieg auf die Medienberichterstattung angewiesen war. °°Arne Segelke zeigt am Beispiel Dänemarks, wie sich die propagandistischen Bemühungen der Kriegsparteien auf das gesamte Mediensystem eines neutralen Landes erstreckten und dieses in Teilen nachhaltig und langfristig beeinflussten. Dabei wird auch deutlich, wie genau die britischen und deutschen Propagandisten sich gegenseitig beobachteten und auf die Aktivitäten der jeweils anderen Seite reagierten. Dieses Konkurrenzverhältnis führte einerseits zu neuen Ansätzen und Methoden der Propaganda, andererseits zu Narrativen und Darstellungsweisen des Krieges, die unsere Sichtweise auf diesen bis heute prägen.

Place: publisher, year: Franz-Steiner-Verlag: Stuttgart, 2019

ISBN: 978-3-8305-3884-4 (gebunden)

ISBN:978-3-8305-4046-5 (E-Book)


Jonathan Adams and Cordelia Heß

This book presents a fresh approach to the question of the historical continuities and discontinuities of Jew-hatred, juxtaposing chapters dealing with the same phenomenon – one in the pre-modern, one in the modern period. How do the circumstances of interreligious violence differ in pre-Reformation Europe, the modern Muslim world, and the modern Western world? In addition to the diachronic comparison, most chapters deal with the significance of religion for the formation of anti-Jewish stereotypes. The direct dialogue of small-scale studies bridging the chronological gap brings out important nuances: anti-Zionist texts appropriating medieval ritual murder accusations; modern-day pogroms triggered by contemporary events but fuelled by medieval prejudices; and contemporary stickers drawing upon long-inherited knowledge about what a "Jew" looks like. These interconnections, however, differ from the often-assumed straightforward continuities between medieval and modern anti-Jewish hatred. The book brings together many of the most distinguished scholars of this field, creating a unique dialogue between historical periods and academic disciplines.

Book series: Memoria and Remembrance practices, 5

Place: publisher, year: New York/Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2018

ISBN: 978-1-138-63088-8 (Hardback, 2018)

ISBN: 978-0-367-59304-9 (Paperback, 2020)

ISBN: 978-1-351-12082-1 (E-Book)


Die Bücher in der Reihe "Publikationen des Lehrstuhls für Nordische Geschichte" sind bei dem Herausgeber Jens E. Olesen zu bestellen:

I) Publikationen des Lehrstuhls für Nordische Geschichte

II) Nordische Geschichte

Gemeinsame Geschichte - Bibliographie der Beziehungen Mecklenburgs und Vorpommerns mit Nordeuropa

Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Norbert Götz und Jens E. Olesen

Als Forschungsprojekt wurden am Lehrstuhl für Nordische Geschichte über mehrere Jahre die historischen Beziehungen zwischen Skandinavien, Finnland, Pommern und Mecklenburg untersucht und aufgearbeitet. Es galt diese, vor der Wende 1989/90 oft in Vergessenheit geratenen, vielfältigen Beziehungen und Kontakte von der Ur- und Frühgeschichte bis zur Gegenwart zu dokumentieren. Neben Büchern, Aufsätzen und Seminaren der Mitarbeiter*Innen, Doktorand*Innen und Studierenden des Lehrstuhls liegt eine umfangreich Bibliographie vor, die hauptsächlich von Prof. Dr. Norbert Götz betreut worden ist. Sie enthält die wichtigsten, zentralen Quellen und Literatur zu diesem Themenbereich. Leider konnten Publikationen, die nach 2005 veröffentlicht wurden, nicht berücksichtigt werden.

Da diese Bibliographie nie in gedruckter Form erschienen ist, stellt der Lehrstuhl sie hiermit der Öffentlichkeit in digitaler Form zur Verfügung.


Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Jens E. Olesen

Der Band kann für 30 Euro bestellt oder über den Buchhandel erworben werden.

Staat - Militär - Gesellschaft. Festschrift für Jens E. Olesen zum 65. Geburtstag, herausgegeben von Robert Oldach und Thomas Wegener Friis, Greifswald 2015, ISBN: 978-3-86006-437-5.

Inhaltsverzeichnis der Festschrift "Staat - Militär - Gesellschaft"

Sonderband zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Jens E. Olesen

Der Sonderband kann für 25 Euro bestellt oder über den Buchhandel erworben werden.

Regna firmat pietas. Staat und Staatlichkeit im Ostseeraum. Festgabe zum 60. Geburtstag von Jens E. Olesen, herausgegeben von Martin Krieger und Joachim Krüger, Greifswald 2010, ISBN: 978-3-86006-359-0.