Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden/PhD-Fellows

Margot Damiens

PhD-topic "Representations of Sweden and Denmark in the Holy Roman Empire during the 18th century (1721-1815)"

Short Biography & Research Interests:


Die Verteidigung der Dissertation fand am 12. November 2022 um 14 Uhr an der Sorbonne in Paris statt.

Eric Ladenthin

PhD-topic "The Development and Impacts of Swedish Alliances during Sweden’s Age as a Great Power, 1597-1721"


Short Biography & Research Interests:


  • "Der Maler Pieter Isaacsz - Ein schwedischer Spion am Dänischen Hof (1620-1625)", Paper for the Research Group "Bellum, commercia et artes" at the Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe (Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas – GWZO) at the University of Leipzig (6.10.2016).
  • "A Protestant-Catholic borderland? The impact of religious boundaries on the Swedish-French alliance during the Thirty Years’ War", Paper for the 5th Biennial Borderlands International Graduate Student Conference "Forging Faith(s) in Global Borderlands" at the University of California in Santa Barbara (12.03.2016).

Sven Ristau

PhD-topic: "Economic Integration and Debordering Processes in the Baltic Sea Region: The Development of Steam Shipping in the 19th century"


Short Biography & Research Interests:


  • "Different approaches to interpreting maritime history sources", Lecture at the Institute of History and Archaeology at the University of Tartu (19.09.2017).
  • "Analysis of Regional Economic Port Systems: An Investigation of Prussian Baltic Ports in the 19th Century", Paper at the International Postgraduate Port and Maritime Studies Conference in Bristol (20.04.2017).
  • "Wirtschaftsraum preußische Ostseeküste. Entwicklung der Hafenstädte und ihrer Hinterländer im 19. Jahrhundert", Paper for the Conference "Preußen als Ostseeanlieger" at the Arbeitgemeinschaft zur Preußischen Geschichte in Hildesheim (1.11.2016).